How a telecom provider got assessment of Customer behavior and increased revenues by 10%

Background and Challenge
Client’s Background:
  • Client is a multinational Emirati based telecommunications services provider, currently operating in 15 countries across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Client is the largest mobile network operator in the world.
  • Client offers digital experiences that cater to new lifestyle and demands beyond just telecom and are not limited to gaming, health, and insurance.
Challenges Faced by Client:
  • Difficulties in assessing the customer preferences : Client required to undertake customer survey exercise to understand preference of Middle East Uses regarding the tariff plans, brand presence, brand equity index, challenges, pain points, preference among tariff plans, internet packs and paying preference by region which is difficult to perform in a limited time period.
  • Difficulty in understanding the Competitive benchmarking for the future strategy : The client needs to explore the potential brands that the customer prefer to take mobile plans. Hence, they contacted Ken Research and Strategy Advisory to identify all such market players.
Telecom Service Industry at Glance:
  • The Middle East has 400 million unique mobile users after 25 years, of whom 280 million started using mobile internet. The mobile ecosystem generated almost 640,000 indirect employment within the same period and 360,000 direct ones in the area in 2022.
  • Technology enhancement is one of the major factors driving the growth of the market. Businesses are reevaluating and reorganizing their operations to compete in the market due to technological advances in the telecom industry.

Approach and Recommendations
Phase 1: Provided the study on the quantitative survey of the end users
  • Ken collaborated with its client to curate a detailed market assessment and provided quantitative survey with 500+ customers and 20 FGDs to understand customer behavior, need, desire and pain points
  • In-depth and detailed discussions were carried out with the top decision making authorities.
  • These discussions gave the client possible indication to understand the brand presence, brand equity index, challenges, pain points, preference among tariff plans.
Phase 2: Key Analysis of competition on various parameters
  • The second phase of work focused on competition benchmarking to assess major brands present in each countries and explored the potential brands that the customer prefer to take mobile plans.
  • The study also covered multiple parameters like TV Packages, Brand Equity, Combo Plans, Product Plans and Customer Preference towards various services and brands.
  • This helped the clients to evaluate major brands present in each countries and explored the potential brands that the customer prefer to take mobile plans
Phase 3: Quality Recommendations for Client
  • After identifying and analyzing the various facto affecting parameters on customer preference through the questionnaire survey , Ken provided the comprehensive customer viewpoint to penetrate the market.
  • These Recommendations included various customer retention and acquisition strategy, Products and plans that are preferred and provided by the clients in the region.
  • Ken has provided a clear road map and assessed major brands present in each countries and explored the potential brands that the customer prefer to take mobile plans.
Result and Conclusion
Thorough Research on Customer-Target Market
  • Ken Research has done a detailed market assessment and target customer analysis to understand potential for each type of tariffs and internet plans across the region.

Analysis of Customer Preference towards Tariffs and Plans
  • The client was able to formulate effective strategy and launched different mobile tariff plans and internet plans in line with the customer preference across different countries and regions across Middle East.

Comprehensive Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategy
  • The client has expected substantial increase in retention and engagement rate from the customers after catering as per client requirements. 

Business Impact
  • forecast (1)


    revenue increment by understanding customer behavior

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