Canada Residential Real Estate Market Outlook to 2028

Region:North America

Author(s):Geetanshi Chugh

Product Code:KROD285

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June 2024

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About the Report

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Overview

  • The Canada residential real estate market is valued at USD 143.2 billion in 2023, driven by ongoing urban development, a consistent influx of immigrants, increasing demand for housing, and favorable government policies supporting home ownership.
  • Key players such as Brookfield Residential, Tridel, Mattamy Homes, Minto Group, and Concord Pacific dominate due to their extensive portfolios and strategic developments. Brookfield Residential, for example, has developed over 20,000 housing units across Canada.
  • Primary drivers include low mortgage rates, a growing immigrant population (targeted at over 400,000 new immigrants annually), and urban center demand. Government incentives like the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive also significantly boost market growth.
  • High property prices, regulatory constraints, and limited housing supply pose significant challenges. For instance, construction costs have risen by 15-20% over the last five years, impacting affordability.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Size

Canada Residential Real Estate Current Market Analysis

  • The market experiences high demand and limited supply, driving up property prices. In Toronto, the average home price exceeds USD 1 million, highlighting the competitive nature of the market.
  • Condominiums and detached houses are the bestselling products. Toronto reported over 30,000 condo sales in 2022, driven by their affordability and modern amenities.
  • Brookfield Residential leads due to its extensive project portfolio and strong financial backing. With developments like the USD 1 billion master-planned community in Calgary, Brookfield’s strategic projects in prime locations enhance its market position.
  • The urban housing segment is dominant, driven by the high demand for residential properties in major cities. Toronto and Vancouver account for over 60% of total market transactions, fueled by their economic opportunities and amenities.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation

The Canada Residential Real Estate market can be segmented based on various factors. Here are three key segmentation types with their sub-segments and estimated market share ranges:

By Property Type: In 2023, condominiums dominate Canada's residential real estate market due to their affordability, especially in urban centers, and the increasing preference for low-maintenance living. With urbanization, more young professionals and downsizing retirees are opting for condos, which offer amenities, security, and proximity to workplaces and services, making them a highly attractive housing option.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Property Type

By Buyer Type: In 2023, first-time buyers dominate Canada's residential real estate market due to government incentives like tax credits and lower mortgage rates aimed at making homeownership more accessible. Additionally, millennials reaching prime home-buying age and seeking stability and investment opportunities contribute significantly to the surge in demand among this buyer segment.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Buyer Type

By Region: The Canada Residential Real Estate market is segmented by region into Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Vancouver Metro Area, Montreal Metropolitan Area and others. In 2023, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) dominates Canada's residential real estate market due to its robust economy, diverse job opportunities, and high immigration rates. The area's attractive urban amenities, excellent infrastructure, and educational institutions further drive demand, making it a preferred location for both local and international buyers seeking residential properties.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Competitive Landscape


Establishment Year


Brookfield Residential


Calgary, AB

Mattamy Homes


Toronto, ON



Toronto, ON

Minto Group


Ottawa, ON

Daniels Corporation


Toronto, ON

  • Diverse and extensive project portfolios ensure market coverage and cater to various consumer segments. Companies with over 50 active projects, like Brookfield Residential, have a competitive edge.
  • High-quality construction and innovative design attract buyers and investors. Tridel, known for its sustainable building practices, leads in green construction with over 10 LEED-certified projects.
  • Strategic locations in high-demand urban centers and growing suburban areas drive sales and increase property value. Concord Pacific's developments in prime Vancouver locations highlight the importance of strategic site selection.
  • Commitment to sustainable and green building practices attracts environmentally conscious buyers. Great Gulf's focus on energy-efficient homes meets growing consumer demand for sustainability.

Canada Residential Real Estate Industry Analysis

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Growth Drivers

  • Population Growth and Immigration: Canada’s population grew by 1.4% in 2022, with a substantial portion attributed to immigration. This population surge has significantly increased demand for residential properties, especially in major urban centers like Toronto and Vancouver. Statistics Canada reported that over 400,000 new immigrants arrived in Canada in 2022, boosting the need for housing and supporting market growth. 
  • Economic Stability and Employment Growth: Canada's stable economic environment and strong job market have positively impacted the residential real estate sector. The unemployment rate fell to 5.4% in 2022, one of the lowest in recent history, according to Statistics Canada. This economic stability and increased employment levels have given Canadians more financial confidence to invest in housing. 
  • Low-Interest Rates: Historically low-interest rates over the past decade have made borrowing more affordable, leading to an increase in mortgage applications and home purchases. For example, the Bank of Canada maintained a low policy interest rate of 0.25% through much of 2020 and 2021, which significantly reduced mortgage rates. 

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Challenges

  • Affordability Issues: Rising property prices have made housing less affordable for many Canadians. The average home price in Canada increased by 16% in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). This rapid increase in prices has outpaced income growth, making it difficult for first-time buyers to enter the market. 
  • Regulatory Changes and Taxes: Stricter mortgage regulations and the introduction of foreign buyer taxes have impacted market dynamics. The mortgage stress test, implemented in 2018, requires borrowers to qualify at higher interest rates, reducing their purchasing power. Additionally, provinces like British Columbia and Ontario have introduced foreign buyer taxes (20% in BC and 15% in Ontario) to curb speculative investments, which have dampened demand from international buyers.
  • Construction Delays: Supply constraints and delays in construction projects have limited the availability of new housing. According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), housing starts decreased by 5.5% in 2022 due to labor shortages and supply chain disruptions. This reduction in new housing supply has exacerbated the affordability issue and increased competition for existing homes. The lack of sufficient new housing developments continues to be a critical challenge for the market.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Recent Developments

    • Brookfield Residential's Investment: In 2023, Brookfield Residential announced a CAD 500 million investment in a mixed-use development in Calgary. This project aims to provide over 1,000 new residential units by 2025, addressing the growing demand for housing in the city. The development will include affordable housing options and community amenities, contributing to the overall growth and diversity of the Calgary residential market.
    • Mattamy Homes’ Smart Community: In 2022, Mattamy Homes launched a smart home community in Ottawa, integrating advanced technologies and energy-efficient designs. This development, featuring smart home systems and sustainable building practices, represents a significant innovation in the Canadian residential real estate market. The community has received positive feedback from buyers, indicating a strong market demand for such innovative housing solutions.
    • Tridel’s Landmark Project: Tridel completed "The Well" in Toronto in 2023, a major mixed-use development that includes residential, commercial, and retail spaces. This project, which features over 1,500 residential units, is one of the largest developments in the city’s history. "The Well" is expected to significantly impact Toronto’s housing market by providing a substantial number of new homes and revitalizing the downtown area.

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Future Outlook

The Canada residential real estate market is expected to grow exponentially, driven by strong demand, urban development, and favorable economic conditions.

Future Market Trends:

      • Remote Work and Suburban Demand: The shift to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased demand for suburban and rural properties. Many Canadians are opting for larger homes with more outdoor space, located outside major urban centers. The demand for suburban homes increased by 15% in 2022, as remote work allowed more flexibility in living locations. This trend is expected to continue, influencing residential real estate dynamics by shifting demand away from city centers to suburban and rural areas.
      • Co-Living and Shared Housing Models: Co-living and shared housing models are gaining popularity, particularly among young professionals and students in urban areas. These housing models offer affordability and flexibility, addressing the high cost of living in cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

Scope Of The Report

Scope of the Report

Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation

By Property Type


Detached Houses



By Buyer Type

First-time Buyers


Move-up Buyers


By Region

Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

Vancouver Metro Area

Montreal Metropolitan Area


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Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report: 

  • Real Estate Developers
  • Real Estate Investors
  • Real Estate Agents and Brokers
  • Property Management Companies
  • Construction Companies
  • Government & Regulatory Bodies
  • Banks and Financial Institutions

Time Period Captured in the Report: 

  • Historical Period: 2018-2023
  • Base Year: 2023
  • Forecast Period: 2023-2028


Major Players Mentioned in the Report: 

  • Brookfield Residential
  • Tridel
  • Mattamy Homes
  • Minto Group
  • Concord Pacific
  • The Daniels Corporation
  • Pemberton Group
  • Menkes Developments Ltd.
  • Great Gulf
  • Lanterra Developments
  • Empire Communities
  • Diamondcorp
  • RioCan Living
  • Greenpark Group
  • Remington Group
  • Aspen Ridge Homes
  • Tribute Communities
  • Pinnacle International
  • Canderel
  • Dream Unlimited Corp.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Overview

1.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Taxonomy

2. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Size (in USD Bn), 2018-2023

3. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Analysis

3.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Growth Drivers

3.2 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Challenges and Issues

3.3 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Trends and Development

3.4 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Government Regulation

3.5 Canada Residential Real Estate Market SWOT Analysis

3.6 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Stake Ecosystem

3.7 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Competition Ecosystem

4. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation, 2023

4.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Property Type (in %), 2023

4.2 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Buyer Type (in %), 2023

4.3 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Region (in %), 2023

5. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Competition Benchmarking

5.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Cross-Comparison (no. of employees, company overview, business strategy, USP, recent development, operational parameters, financial parameters and advanced analytics)

6. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Future Market Size (in USD Bn), 2023-2028

7. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Future Market Segmentation, 2028

7.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Property Type (in %), 2028

7.2 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Buyer Type (in %), 2028

7.3 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Segmentation by Region (in %), 2028

8. Canada Residential Real Estate Market Analysts’ Recommendations

8.1 Canada Residential Real Estate Market TAM/SAM/SOM Analysis

8.2 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Customer Cohort Analysis

8.3 Canada Residential Real Estate Market Marketing Initiatives

8.4 Canada Residential Real Estate Market White Space Opportunity Analysis


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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Step 1: Identifying Key Variables:

Ecosystem creation for all the major entities and referring to multiple secondary and proprietary databases to perform desk research around market to collate industry level information. 

Step 2: Market Building:

Collating statistics on Canada Residential Real Estate Market over the years, penetration of marketplaces and service providers ratio to compute revenue generated for Canada Residential Real Estate Market. We will also review service quality statistics to understand revenue generated which can ensure accuracy behind the data points shared. 

Step 3: Validating and Finalizing:

Building market hypothesis and conducting CATIs with industry exerts belonging to different companies to validate statistics and seek operational and financial information from company representatives. 

Step 4: Research output:

Our team will approach multiple retail companies and understand nature of product segments and sales, consumer preference and other parameters, which will support us validate statistics derived through bottom to top approach from real estate companies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01 What is the current market size of the Canada residential real estate market?

The current market size of the Canada Residential Real estate market is approximately USD 143.2 bn as of 2023.

02 What is the current CAGR of Canada Residential Real Estate market?

The Canada Residential Real Estate market grew with a CAGR of 8.2% from 2018-2023.

03 What are the major growth drivers for the market?

Major growth drivers include low mortgage rates, increasing immigration, urbanization, government incentives, economic stability, and strong investment interest.

04 Who are the major players in the Canada Residential Real Estate market?

Major players include Brookfield Residential, Tridel, Mattamy Homes, Minto Group, and Concord Pacific.

05 What are the major challenges in the market?

Challenges include high property prices, regulatory constraints, rising construction costs, limited housing supply, economic uncertainties, and environmental regulations.

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