India E-Pharmacy Market Outlook to 2028


Author(s):Geetanshi Chugh

Product Code:KROD286

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June 2024

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India E-Pharmacy Market Overview

  • In 2018, the e-Pharmacy market in India was valued at USD 512 million. Growing at a CAGR of 63%, it reached a value of USD 4,157 million by 2023. This growth is driven by increasing internet penetration, rising smartphone usage, growing consumer awareness about online pharmacies, and supportive government regulations.
  • Key players in the market include 1mg, Netmeds, PharmEasy, Medlife, and Apollo Pharmacy. These companies dominate due to their extensive product ranges, customer service, and reliable delivery networks.
  • In 2023, Reliance Retail acquired a majority stake in Netmeds for USD 83 million. This acquisition has significantly impacted the market, bringing in Reliance's robust retail network and extensive supply chain capabilities, enhancing Netmeds' market position and operational efficiency.
  • The urban regions, particularly metropolitan areas like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, dominate the e-pharmacy market. High internet penetration, better digital literacy, and a higher concentration of tech-savvy consumers drive this dominance.

India E-Pharmacy Market Size

India E-Pharmacy Market Current Market Analysis

  • The e-pharmacy market has significantly impacted traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies by providing a more convenient and often cost-effective alternative for consumers. It has also improved access to medications in remote areas, contributing to better healthcare outcomes.
  • With over 624 million internet users in India, digital adoption is a key growth driver. The proliferation of smartphones and affordable data plans has made e-pharmacies more accessible to a broader audience.
  • The e-pharmacy sector experienced a significant boost during the pandemic. E-pharmacies played a crucial role in ensuring the continuous supply of medications to households, particularly during lockdowns. The sector saw a sharp rise in users, with over 3.5 million households served during the pandemic.

India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation

The Indian E-Pharmacy market can be segmented based on various factors. Here are three key segmentation types with their sub-segments and estimated market share ranges:

By Product Type: In 2023, prescription drugs dominate the Indian E-Pharmacy market due to increased digital adoption, government support for online healthcare, and the convenience of home delivery. The rising prevalence of chronic diseases and the need for continuous medication also contribute, making prescription drugs a significant segment in the burgeoning e-pharmacy industry.

India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Product Type

By Business Model: In 2023, the inventory-based business model dominates India's E-Pharmacy market due to better control over drug quality, faster delivery times, and improved customer trust. This model ensures reliable stock availability and regulatory compliance, crucial in a market where timely access to medications and adherence to safety standards are essential.

India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Business Model

By Region: The India E-Pharmacy market is segmented by location into tier 1 & tier 2 cities and tier 3 & rural areas. Tier 1 & Tier 2 cities dominate the Indian E-Pharmacy market with more than half of the market share due to a stronger digital infrastructure. These locations boast higher internet penetration, smartphone adoption, and generally higher disposable income compared to rural areas. This translates to a larger customer base with the means and technological access to utilize online pharmacies. As internet connectivity improves in Tier 3 and rural regions, the market share is expected to shift towards these areas as well.

India E-Pharmacy Market Competitive Landscape

The Indian E-Pharmacy market is a competitive landscape with a mix of established players, emerging startups, and traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies entering the online space. Here's a list of some major players:

The competitive landscape is characterized by:

  • Companies like PharmEasy and 1mg offer a wide range of products, including over 50,000 prescription medicines, 20,000 OTC medications, and numerous health and wellness products. This extensive product range attracts a broad customer base, ensuring they can meet diverse healthcare needs conveniently.
  • PharmEasy has a robust delivery network covering over 22,000 pin codes across India, ensuring timely and accurate delivery. Efficient logistics and partnerships with local pharmacies enable them to reach customers even in remote areas, crucial for maintaining high customer satisfaction.
  • E-pharmacies often offer discounts up to 20-30% on prescription drugs and OTC products. For instance, Netmeds provides monthly savings plans where customers can save up to ₹1000 on their medication purchases, making online pharmacies an economical option for regular consumers.
  • High-quality customer service is critical. PharmEasy, for example, offers 24/7 customer support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and chat. Quick resolution of queries and efficient handling of complaints significantly enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.

India E-Pharmacy Market Industry Analysis

India E-Pharmacy Growth Drivers:

  • Increasing Digital Adoption: India's digital revolution has significantly impacted the e-pharmacy market. As of 2023, India has over 624 million internet users, a substantial increase from previous years. The widespread availability of affordable smartphones and data plans has facilitated this digital penetration. The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) reports that the number of internet users in rural areas is growing rapidly, reaching 299 million in 2022, indicating a potential market expansion for e-pharmacies in these regions.
  • Rising Health Awareness: With a growing focus on health and wellness, consumers are increasingly seeking convenient access to healthcare products. A survey conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 2022 found that 62% of urban Indians are more conscious about their health post-COVID-19. This heightened awareness has led to a surge in demand for health supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. The e-pharmacy sector has capitalized on this trend by offering a wide range of health products, contributing to market growth.
  • Urbanization and Lifestyle Changes: Rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles in India have led to an increased prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India has the second-highest number of diabetes patients globally, with an estimated 77 million people affected. This scenario has created a robust demand for chronic disease medications, which e-pharmacies are well-positioned to supply. The convenience of home delivery and subscription models offered by e-pharmacies has made it easier for patients to manage their long-term medication needs.

India E-Pharmacy Market Challenges:

  • Regulatory Ambiguities: The regulatory environment for e-pharmacies in India remains unclear, posing significant challenges for market players. The lack of comprehensive guidelines from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has created operational uncertainties. A study by the Indian Pharmaceutical Association in 2022 revealed that 55% of e-pharmacy businesses face difficulties due to ambiguous regulations, impacting their ability to operate smoothly and expand.
  • Supply Chain and Logistical Issues: Maintaining an efficient supply chain and ensuring timely delivery of medications, especially in remote areas, are critical challenges. The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore's 2023 report on e-commerce logistics highlighted that e-pharmacies often struggle with maintaining the cold chain for temperature-sensitive drugs, which can lead to product spoilage and financial losses. This issue is exacerbated by India's diverse geography and infrastructure limitations.
  • Consumer Trust and Data Privacy Concerns: Building consumer trust and ensuring data privacy are major hurdles for e-pharmacies. According to a 2023 survey by the Data Security Council of India (DSCI), 48% of consumers expressed concerns about the security of their personal and medical information when using online pharmacies. These concerns can deter potential customers from adopting e-pharmacy services, impacting market growth.

India E-Pharmacy Market Recent Developments:

  • PharmEasy's Funding Round: PharmEasy raised USD 350 million in a Series E funding round in March 2023, aimed at expanding its technological infrastructure and operational capabilities. This investment highlights the growing investor confidence in the e-pharmacy sector and is expected to enhance PharmEasy's market presence and service offerings.
  • Apollo Pharmacy's Teleconsultation Service: In June 2022, Apollo Pharmacy launched a teleconsultation service integrated with its e-pharmacy platform. This service allows customers to consult with doctors online and receive prescriptions, which can be conveniently filled through Apollo's e-pharmacy. This development has improved customer service and expanded Apollo's digital healthcare offerings.
  • Medlife-PharmEasy Merger: In May 2021, Medlife merged with PharmEasy, creating one of the largest e-pharmacy entities in India. This merger has consolidated their market presence, combining resources and technological capabilities to offer a more comprehensive range of healthcare products and services. This strategic move is expected to drive further growth and innovation in the e-pharmacy market.

India E-Pharmacy Market Future Outlook

The India e-pharmacy market expected to have a robust growth by 2028. This growth is driven by increasing digital adoption, supportive government policies, and rising healthcare awareness among consumers.

Future Market Trends:

  • AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in e-pharmacies is transforming the industry. AI-powered health chatbots and personalized recommendations are enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. For instance, in 2022, 1mg introduced an AI-driven chatbot that handles over 60% of customer queries, improving response times and user experience. These technologies enable e-pharmacies to offer tailored healthcare solutions, driving higher consumer adoption.
  • Expansion of Telemedicine Services: The convergence of e-pharmacies and telemedicine is creating a holistic digital healthcare ecosystem. According to a 2023 report by the Indian Medical Association (IMA), telemedicine consultations in India increased by 500% during the COVID-19 pandemic. E-pharmacies are leveraging this trend by integrating telemedicine services into their platforms, offering customers access to online consultations and prescription services.
  • Rise of Subscription Models: Subscription models are gaining popularity in the e-pharmacy sector, offering consumers a convenient way to manage their medication needs. A 2023 study by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) found that 35% of e-pharmacy users prefer subscription services for chronic disease management. These models ensure regular delivery of medications, improve adherence to treatment plans, and provide a steady revenue stream for e-pharmacies, enhancing market stability.

Scope Of The Report

Scope of the Report

KSA E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation 

By Product Type 

Prescription Drugs

Over-the-Counter Drugs

Personal Care & Wellness Drugs


By Business Model


Marketplace Model

By Location 

Tier 1 & Tier 2 cities

Tier 3 & Rural areas

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Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report: 

  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Retail Pharmacies
  • Healthcare IT Firms
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Medical Associations
  • Regulatory Bodies & Government Entities

Time Period Captured in the Report: 

  • Historical Period: 2018-2023
  • Base Year: 2023
  • Forecast Period: 2023-2028


Major Players Mentioned in the Report:

  • 1mg
  • Netmeds
  • PharmEasy
  • Medlife
  • Apollo Pharmacy
  • SastaSundar
  • Myra Medicines
  • MedPlus
  • CareOnGo
  • Dawailelo
  • LifCare
  • HealthKart
  • Zeno Health
  • Truemeds
  • Wellness Forever

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. India E-Pharmacy Market Overview

1.1 India E-Pharmacy Market Taxonomy

2. India E-Pharmacy Market Size (in USD Bn), 2018-2023

3. India E-Pharmacy Market Analysis

3.1 India E-Pharmacy Market Growth Drivers

3.2 India E-Pharmacy Market Challenges and Issues

3.3 India E-Pharmacy Market Trends and Development

3.4 India E-Pharmacy Market Government Regulation

3.5 India E-Pharmacy Market SWOT Analysis

3.6 India E-Pharmacy Market Stake Ecosystem

3.7 India E-Pharmacy Market Competition Ecosystem

4. India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation, 2023

4.1 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Product Type (in %), 2023

4.2 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Business Model (in %), 2023

4.3 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Region (in %), 2023

5. India E-Pharmacy Market Competition Benchmarking

5.1 India E-Pharmacy Market Cross-Comparison (no. of employees, company overview, business strategy, USP, recent development, operational parameters, financial parameters and advanced analytics)

6. India E-Pharmacy Market Future Market Size (in USD Bn), 2023-2028

7. India E-Pharmacy Market Future Market Segmentation, 2028

7.1 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Product Type (in %), 2028

7.2 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Business Model (in %), 2028

7.3 India E-Pharmacy Market Segmentation by Region (in %), 2028

8. India E-Pharmacy Market Analysts’ Recommendations

8.1 India E-Pharmacy Market TAM/SAM/SOM Analysis

8.2 India E-Pharmacy Market Customer Cohort Analysis

8.3 India E-Pharmacy Market Marketing Initiatives

8.4 India E-Pharmacy Market White Space Opportunity Analysis


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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Step 1: Identifying Key Variables:

Ecosystem creation for all the major entities and referring to multiple secondary and proprietary databases to perform desk research around market to collate industry level information. 

Step 2: Market Building:

Collating statistics on India E-Pharmacy market over the years, penetration of marketplaces and service providers ratio to compute revenue generated for India E-Pharmacy market. We will also review service quality statistics to understand revenue generated which can ensure accuracy behind the data points shared. 

Step 3: Validating and Finalizing:

Building market hypothesis and conducting CATIs with industry exerts belonging to different companies to validate statistics and seek operational and financial information from company representatives. 

Step 4: Research output:

Our team will approach multiple E-Pharmacy companies and understand nature of product segments and sales, consumer preference and other parameters, which will support us validate statistics derived through bottom to top approach from E-Pharmacy companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01 What is the current market size of the India E-Pharmacy market?

The current market size of the India E-Pharmacy market is USD 4,157 million in 2023.

02 What are the key growth drivers for the India E-Pharmacy market?

Key growth drivers include digital transformation, the COVID-19 pandemic, regulatory support, and increasing healthcare awareness.

03 What are the main challenges faced by the India E-Pharmacy market?

Main challenges include regulatory compliance, counterfeit medicines, data privacy concerns, and logistical challenges.

04 Which product type dominates the India E-Pharmacy market?

Prescription Drugs dominate the India E-Pharmacy market, accounting more than half of the market share in 2023.

05 Which business model dominated India E-Pharmacy Market?

The Inventory based business model dominates India E-Pharmacy Market.

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