India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Outlook to 2028


Author(s):Sanjna Verma

Product Code:KROD291

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June 2024

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India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Overview

  • Globally, the PCR market is valued at USD 10 billion in 2023. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, advancements in molecular diagnostics and the expanding applications of PCR in various fields like forensic science, genomics, and biotechnology research.
  • The PCR market in India is highly competitive, with several key players contributing to its growth. Prominent companies in the market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Qiagen N.V., Roche Diagnostics and Agilent Technologies, Inc.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific announced the launch of its new Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 Pro Dx Real-Time PCR System in 2022. This advanced system is designed to enhance diagnostic workflows, offering greater flexibility and precision in molecular testing, thereby catering to the increasing demand for efficient diagnostic tools in the Indian market.

India PCR Market Size

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Current Market Analysis

  • Innovations in PCR technology, such as digital PCR and real-time PCR, have enhanced the accuracy, speed, and reliability of molecular diagnostics, driving market growth.
  • The PCR market has a profound impact on various sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, and forensics. In healthcare, it is revolutionizing diagnostic procedures and personalized medicine. In agriculture, PCR is used for genetically modified organism (GMO) testing and disease detection in plants.
  • North Indian region, particularly states like Delhi, Maharashtra, and Karnataka, dominates the PCR market in India. This dominance can be attributed to the presence of advanced healthcare facilities, a higher concentration of research institutions, and increased government funding for healthcare and research.

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation, 2023

By Product Type: By product, the India PCR market is segmented into Instruments, Reagents & Consumables. In 2023, Instruments dominate due to the continuous demand for advanced and automated PCR machines which enhance the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostic and research processes. Automation reduces the risk of errors caused by manual handling and streamlines workflows, allowing for faster turnaround times and increased sample throughout.

India PCR Market Segmentation by Product Type

By Technology: The market is segmented into Real-Time PCR, Digital PCR and Traditional PCR. In 2023, Real-time PCR is the dominant technology due to its ability to provide quantitative data and its extensive application in diagnostics, research, and forensics. Unlike traditional PCR, which identifies if a target DNA sequence is present (qualitative), real-time PCR allows to measure the exact amount of starting material.

India PCR Market Segmentation by Technology

By End-User: The market is segmented into Healthcare, Research Institutions and Forensic Laboratories. In 2023, Healthcare segment dominates the market because of extensive use of PCR in clinical diagnostics, monitoring disease progression, and personalized medicine. PCR can target specific sequences of DNA or RNA which allows for highly accurate diagnoses. This reduces the chances of misdiagnosis compared to some other methods.

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Competitive Landscape

Major Players

Company Name

Establishment Year


Thermo Fisher Scientific


Waltham, MA, USA

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.


Hercules, CA, USA

Qiagen NV


Venlo, Netherlands

Roche Diagnostics


Basel, Switzerland

Agilent Technologies Inc


Santa Claura, CA, USA

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Qiagen N.V., Roche Diagnostics, Agilent Technologies are the leading players in the market.
  • These companies significantly impact the market by continuously innovating and providing advanced PCR technologies, thereby driving market growth.
  • In 2024, Roche Diagnostics announced to set up a Center of Excellence at MAHE in Manipal. This collaboration represents a significant step forward in combining the strengths of both academia and industry to improve healthcare diagnostics.
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories launched the new CFX Opus 96 Deep Well Real-Time PCR System in 2023, which offers enhanced throughput and flexibility, meeting the growing demand for high-capacity PCR systems.

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Industry Analysis

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Growth Drivers

  • Increasing Prevalence of Infectious Diseases: The increasing prevalence of infectious diseases and genetic disorders drives the demand for PCR-based diagnostic tests. India's burden of tuberculosis, with over 2.8 million cases annually, necessitates the widespread use of PCR for accurate and early diagnosis. The ability of PCR to detect even low levels of pathogen DNA makes it a critical tool in managing and controlling such diseases.
  • Expansion of Diagnostic Laboratories: India has seen significant growth in the number of diagnostic laboratories equipped with PCR technology, driven by both public and private investments. The average realization of digital PCRs has increased from ₹62.5 lakhs in 2019 to ₹1.1 crore 2022, enhancing the overall diagnostic capacity and enabling timely disease detection and management.
  • Government Healthcare Initiatives: Government initiatives aimed at improving healthcare infrastructure and accessibility have also driven the PCR market's growth. The Ayushman Bharat scheme, launched in 2018, aims to provide health insurance coverage to over 500 million people, significantly increasing access to diagnostic services, including PCR tests.
  • Increasing Adoption of Point-of-Care PCR Testing: The adoption of point-of-care (POC) PCR testing has grown substantially in India, driven by the need for rapid and accurate diagnostics in remote and resource-limited settings. POC PCR devices offer the advantage of on-site testing with quick turnaround times, which is crucial for effective disease management.

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Challenges

  • High Equipment Costs: The high cost of PCR equipment can be a barrier for smaller labs and institutions. For instance, a real-time PCR machine costs USD 25,000, making it a significant investment for small diagnostic labs. This financial hurdle limits the widespread adoption of PCR technology in resource-limited settings.
  • Technical Complexity and Need for Skilled Personnel: The technical complexity of PCR techniques requires skilled personnel to operate the equipment and interpret results accurately. This skill gap impacts the quality and reliability of PCR testing, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas where access to specialized training programs is limited.
  • Market Competition: Intense competition among key players can lead to price wars, impacting profit margins and market sustainability. The presence of multiple global and local manufacturers in the Indian PCR market intensifies competition, forcing companies to lower prices to maintain market share, which can strain profitability.

 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Government Initiatives

  • National Health Mission (NHM): Aimed at providing accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare to rural and urban populations, the NHM has significantly improved diagnostic capabilities in India.
  • Ayushman Bharat: This scheme aims to provide health insurance coverage to over 500 million people, increasing access to diagnostic services and boosting the demand for PCR technologies.
  • Make in India: Launched to encourage manufacturing in India, this initiative has attracted investments in the biotechnology sector, fostering the growth of the PCR market.

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Future Market Outlook

The India PCR market is expected to grow substantially, driven by advancements in PCR technology, increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, and rising investments in healthcare infrastructure.

Future Trends

  • Personalized Medicine: The shift towards personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to individual genetic profiles, is expected to drive the demand for PCR-based diagnostics.
  • Point-of-Care Testing: The increasing trend towards point-of-care testing (POCT) will enhance the accessibility and convenience of PCR diagnostics, expanding its application in remote areas.
  • Technological Innovations: Continuous innovations in PCR technology, such as the development of digital PCR, will improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostics, driving market growth.

Scope Of The Report

Scope of the Report

India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation 

By Application 




By Technology

Real-time PCR

Digital PCR

Traditional PCR

By End-User


Research Institutions

Forensic Laboratories

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Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report: 

  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Biotechnology Companies
  • Diagnostic Laboratories
  • Healthcare Institutions
  • Medical Device & Equipment Manufacturers
  • Healthcare IT & Software Providers
  • Government & Regulatory Bodies
  • Banks & Financial Institutions

Time Period Captured in the Report: 

  • Historical Period: 2018-2023
  • Base Year: 2023
  • Forecast Period: 2023-2028


Players Mentioned in the Report: 

  • Roche Diagnostics India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Qiagen India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Abbott Molecular Inc.
  • Siemens Healthineers India
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) India
  • Merck India Pvt. Ltd.
  • PerkinElmer India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Illumina Inc.
  • GE Healthcare Life Sciences India
  • Analytik Jena India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Eppendorf India Ltd.
  • Takara Bio India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Promega Corporation India
  • Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
  • J Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  • Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt. Ltd.
  • Sartorius India Pvt. Ltd.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Overview

1.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Taxonomy

2. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Size (in USD Bn), 2018-2023

3. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Analysis

3.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Growth Drivers
3.2 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Challenges and Issues
3.3 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Trends and Development
3.4 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Government Regulation
3.5 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market SWOT Analysis
3.6 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Stake Ecosystem
3.7 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Competition Ecosystem

4. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation, 2023

4.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by Product Type, By Value, (In %), 2023
4.2 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by Technology, By Value, (In %), 2023
4.3 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by End-User, By Value, (In %), 2023

5. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Competition Benchmarking

5.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Cross-Comparison (no. of employees, company overview, business strategy, USP, recent development, operational parameters, financial parameters and advanced analytics)

6. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Future Market Size (in USD Bn), 2023-2028

7. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Future Market Segmentation, 2028

7.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by Product Type, By Revenue, (In %), 2028
7.2 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by Technology, By Revenue Generated, (In %), 2028
7.3 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Segmentation by End-User, By Revenue Generated, (In %), 2028

8. India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Analysts’ Recommendations

8.1 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market TAM/SAM/SOM Analysis
8.2 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Customer Cohort Analysis
8.3 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market Marketing Initiatives
8.4 India Polymerase Chain Reaction Market White Space Opportunity Analysis


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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Step 1: Identifying Key Variables:

Ecosystem creation for all the major entities and referring to multiple secondary and proprietary databases to perform desk research around market to collate industry level information. 

Step 2: Market Building:

Collating statistics on India Polymerase Chain Reaction market over the years, penetration of marketplaces and service providers ratio to compute revenue generated for India Polymerase Chain Reaction market. We will also review service quality statistics to understand revenue generated which can ensure accuracy behind the data points shared. 

Step 3: Validating and Finalizing:

Building market hypothesis and conducting CATIs with industry exerts belonging to different companies to validate statistics and seek operational and financial information from company representatives. 

Step 4: Research output:

Our team will approach multiple India Polymerase Chain Reaction companies and understand nature of product segments and sales, consumer preference and other parameters, which will support us validate statistics derived through bottom to top approach from India Polymerase Chain Reaction companies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01 How big is the global Polymerase Chain Reaction market?

Globally, the Polymerase Chain Reaction market is valued at $10 billion in 2023.

02 Who are the major players in the India Polymerase Chain Reaction market?

Major players include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Roche Diagnostics, Agilent Technologies, and Qiagen.

03 What factors drive India Polymerase Chain Reaction market?

Key growth drivers include the rising incidence of diseases, increased government funding, technological advancements, expanding healthcare infrastructure, and growing awareness of personalized medicine.

04 What are the major challenges faced by India Polymerase Chain Reaction market?

Major challenges include high equipment costs, lack of skilled professionals, stringent regulatory requirements, intense market competition, and quality control issues.

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