USA Intelligent App Market Outlook to 2028

Region:North America

Author(s):Shreya Garg

Product Code:KROD282

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June 2024

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About the Report

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Overview

  • The U.S. Intelligent Apps Market was valued at $15 billion in 2023. The market is projected to grow substantially by 2028. While in 2018, the U.S. Intelligent Apps Market was valued at $5 billion. This growth is driven by increasing investments in AI technology and the rising demand for intelligent solutions across various industries.
  • Key players in the market include Microsoft, Google, IBM, Apple, and Amazon. These companies are at the forefront of innovation, consistently developing and enhancing intelligent apps to meet the evolving needs of consumers and businesses.
  • The primary drivers of market growth include the proliferation of smartphones, advancements in AI and ML technologies, the growing need for personalized user experiences, and increased digital transformation initiatives across sectors.
  • Challenges in the market include data privacy concerns, high development costs, and the complexity of integrating AI technologies into existing systems. These factors can hinder the adoption of intelligent apps, particularly among smaller enterprises.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Current Market Analysis

  • The intelligent apps market in the U.S. is experiencing rapid growth, driven by technological advancements and increased consumer demand for smart applications. These apps are used in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, retail, and entertainment.
  • AI-driven personal assistants, such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, are among the bestselling products in the market. These assistants leverage AI to provide users with personalized experiences and efficient task management.
  • Consumers prefer intelligent apps that offer seamless integration with their daily routines and devices. Features like voice recognition, predictive analytics, and real-time data processing are highly valued.
  • Microsoft leads the market due to its robust AI platform, Azure, and the integration of intelligent features across its product suite, including Office 365 and Cortana. This extensive ecosystem provides a significant competitive advantage.

US Intelligent App Market Size

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Segmentations

By Application: In 2023, the U.S. Intelligent Apps Market is segmented by Application into Personal Assistants, Business Intelligence, Healthcare Apps, and Others. Personal assistants like Siri and Alexa are leaders due to their seamless integration into daily life, offering convenience and personalized experiences.

US Intelligent App Market Segmentation by Application

By Deployment Mode: In 2023, the U.S. Intelligent Apps Market is segmented by Deployment Mode into Cloud-Based and On-Premises. Cloud deployment Dominates because it offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and accessibility, appealing to businesses of all sizes for its flexibility and reduced infrastructure burdens.

US Intelligent App Market Segmentation by Deployment Mode

By End-User: In 2023, the U.S. Intelligent Apps Market is segmented by End-User into two main types which are into Enterprises and Consumers. Enterprises dominate because they leverage intelligent apps for efficiency gains, innovation, and competitive advantages across various operations, including automation and analytics.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Competitive Landscape


Establishment Year


Google LLC


Mountain View, CA

Apple Inc.


Cupertino, CA

Microsoft Corporation


Redmond, WA

IBM Corporation


Armonk, NY

Oracle Corporation


Redwood Shores, CA

  • Companies drive competition through continual advancements in AI and ML capabilities. For instance, Google's DeepMind achieved a milestone by developing AlphaGo, an AI program that defeated a world champion in the complex game of Go.
  • Diverse product portfolios enable companies to meet varied market needs. IBM, for example, offers Watson AI across industries, including healthcare, finance, and retail. With over 30,000 Watson engagements globally, IBM demonstrates the breadth of its product offerings and its ability to cater to diverse customer demands.
  • Global presence and extensive distribution networks are critical for market dominance. Amazon's Alexa, available in over 80 countries and across various devices, illustrates the importance of widespread availability
  • Superior customer service is essential for client retention and brand loyalty. Microsoft's Azure platform boasts a 99.99% uptime rate, demonstrating its commitment to reliability and customer satisfaction.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Industry Analyses

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Growth Drivers

  • Integration of AI with IoT: The amalgamation of AI and IoT technologies amplifies the capabilities of intelligent apps, enabling more holistic solutions. By 2025, the global IoT market is projected to exceed $190 billion, indicating the significant impact of this trend on various industries.
  • Voice-Activated Assistants: Voice-activated assistants are witnessing surging popularity due to advancements in natural language processing. In 2021, the number of voice-enabled digital assistant users worldwide reached 4.2 billion, showcasing the widespread adoption and demand for voice-activated features.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Companies prioritize enhancing the user interface and experience of intelligent apps to drive adoption and engagement. The user experience can increase conversion rates, highlighting the significant impact of user-centric design on app success.
  • Data Security Focus: In 2020, the average cost of a data breach was $3.86 million, underscoring the financial risks associated with data security lapses and the importance of robust security measures in app development.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Challenges

  • Data Privacy Concerns: With over 59% of consumers citing data privacy as a major concern, developers face immense pressure to safeguard user data. The average cost of a data breach stands at $3.86 million, highlighting the financial risks associated with data privacy violations.
  • High Development Costs: The development of AI-driven applications can incur substantial costs, with the average AI project costing between $500,000 to $5 million. These costs pose a barrier to entry, particularly for startups and smaller companies with limited resources.
  • Integration Complexity: Integrating AI technologies into existing systems and processes requires significant time and resources. On average, companies spend 40-60% of their AI project time on data integration and preparation, indicating the complexity of the task.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The regulatory landscape surrounding AI and data usage is constantly evolving. In 2020 alone, there were over 1,200 updates to global privacy laws, highlighting the challenges businesses face in navigating compliance requirements.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Recent Developments

  • AI Policy Frameworks: The U.S. government's National AI Research Resource Task Force allocates $2 billion to develop a national AI research infrastructure, promoting innovation while ensuring ethical AI use.
  • Funding for AI Research: Increased federal funding for AI research includes a $2.2 billion investment in AI and quantum information science, aiming to maintain the U.S.'s leadership in AI technologies.
  • Microsoft Acquires Nuance Communications: Microsoft's acquisition of Nuance for $19.7 billion strengthens its position in the Tech Healthcare sector, with Nuance's speech recognition technology complementing Microsoft's AI capabilities.
  • Google AI Innovations: Google's advancements in AI include the launch of BERT, an algorithm that improves understanding of search queries, enhancing search accuracy by 10%.
  • Apple's AI Enhancements: Apple's continuous improvement of Siri includes the introduction of on-device processing, enhancing privacy by processing queries locally without sending data to Apple servers.

U.S. Intelligent Apps Market Future Outlook

The Intelligent app industry is experiencing robust growth and is projected to grow exponentially. The future market will be driven by

  • Technological Advancements: AI and ML advancements are set to revolutionize intelligent applications further. By 2028, the global AI market is projected to reach $190.61 billion, driven by innovations in natural language processing and computer vision.
  • Increased Personalization: With 72% of consumers expecting personalized experiences, intelligent apps will leverage data analytics to deliver tailored services. By 2025, the global predictive analytics market is forecasted to reach $23.9 billion, reflecting the demand for personalized solutions.
  • Expansion of IoT Integration: The integration of AI with IoT devices will create more intelligent ecosystems. By 2025, the global IoT market is projected to grow robustly, fostering smart cities, connected healthcare, and industrial automation.
  • Growth in Enterprise Adoption: Enterprises will increasingly adopt intelligent apps to drive operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. By 2024, digital transformation initiatives will be supported by AI technologies, indicating widespread adoption across industries.

Scope Of The Report

Scope of the Report

USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation  


Personal Assistant

Business Intelligence

Healthcare Apps


By Deployment Mode



By End User



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Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report

  • Technology Companies
  • Investors and Venture Capitalists
  • Technical Enterprise Decision Makers
  • Market Researchers and Analysts
  • Government Agencies and Regulatory Bodies
  • Computer Sciences Academic Institutions and Researchers
  • Tech Consulting Firms
  • Tech Startups and Entrepreneurs


Time Period Captured in the Report:  

  • Historical Period: 2018-2023
  • Base Year: 2023
  • Forecast Period: 2023-2028


Players Mentioned in the Report:

  • Google LLC
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Apple Inc.
  • IBM Corporation
  • SAP SE
  • Oracle Corporation
  • com, Inc.
  • Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • Intel Corporation
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Baidu, Inc.
  • Adobe Inc.
  • ServiceNow, Inc.
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Nuance Communications, Inc.
  • Facebook, Inc. (Meta Platforms, Inc.)
  • SAS Institute Inc.
  • Workday, Inc.
  • Splunk Inc.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. USA Intelligent Apps Market Overview 

1.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market Taxonomy 

2. USA Intelligent Apps Market Size (in USD Bn), 2018-2023 

3. USA Intelligent Apps Market Analysis 

3.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market Growth Drivers 

3.2 USA Intelligent Apps Market Challenges and Issues 

3.3 USA Intelligent Apps Market Trends and Development 

3.4 USA Intelligent Apps Market Government Regulation 

3.5 USA Intelligent Apps Market SWOT Analysis 

3.6 USA Intelligent Apps Market Stake Ecosystem 

3.7 USA Intelligent Apps Market Competition Ecosystem 

4. USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation, 2023 

4.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by Product Type (in %), 2023 

4.2 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by Deployment Mode (in %), 2023 

4.3 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by End User (in %), 2028 

5. USA Intelligent Apps Market Competition Benchmarking 

5.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market Cross-Comparison (no. of employees, company overview, business strategy, USP, recent development, operational parameters, financial parameters, and advanced analytics) 

6. USA Intelligent Apps Market Future Market Size (in USD Bn), 2023-2028 

7. USA Intelligent Apps Market Future Market Segmentation, 2028 

4.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by Product Type (in %), 2028 

4.2 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by Deployment Mode (in %), 2028 

4.3 USA Intelligent Apps Market Segmentation by End User (in %), 2028 

8. USA Intelligent Apps Market Analysts’ Recommendations 

8.1 USA Intelligent Apps Market TAM/SAM/SOM Analysis 

8.2 USA Intelligent Apps Market Customer Cohort Analysis 

8.3 USA Intelligent Apps Market Marketing Initiatives 

8.4 USA Intelligent Apps Market White Space Opportunity Analysis 


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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Step: 1 Identifying Key Variables

Ecosystem creation for all the major entities and referring to multiple secondary and proprietary databases to perform desk research around market to collate industry level information.  

Step: 2 Market Building

Collating statistics on USA Intelligent Apps Market over the years, penetration of marketplaces, and service providers ratio to compute revenue generated for USA Intelligent Apps Market. We will also review service quality statistics to understand revenue generated which can ensure accuracy behind the data points shared.  

Step: 3 Validating and Finalizing

Building market hypotheses and conducting CATIs with industry experts belonging to different companies to validate statistics and seek operational and financial information from company representatives.  

Step: 4 Research output

Our team will approach multiple USA Intelligent Apps companies and understand nature of product segments and sales, consumer preference, and other parameters, which will support us validate statistics derived through bottom to top approach from USA Intelligent Apps companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01 How big is the U.S. intelligent apps market?

The market size of the U.S. Intelligent App Market was $15 billion as of 2023. It is growing and expected to grow even more due to increasing investments in AI technology and the rising demand for intelligent solutions across various industries.

02 Who are the Major Players in the USA Intelligent Apps market?

The Major players in the USA Intelligent Apps market include Microsoft, Google, IBM, Apple, and Amazon.

03 Which segment dominates the market?

The enterprise segment dominates the market due to the high adoption of intelligent apps for business process automation and data analytics.

04 What factors drive the U.S. Intelligent Apps market?

Major growth drivers include technological advancements, rising smartphone adoption, and increasing demand for personalized experiences.

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