How Is Medical Education Market Positioned In Indonesia?

Indonesia is considered well in medical education as it provides a great environment to accommodate students especially International Aspirants owing to factors such as a large number of medical schools, good infrastructure, high employment opportunities, and more. Moreover, the country provides the perfect amalgamation of theoretical & practical education.

All Medical colleges in Indonesia provide Bachelor in Medical Science, however few college contribute in the Master’s Degree for specialized courses such as Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Ophthalmology.

A large of no. of students pursues Medical Education via entrance level exam conducted by universities. There is a huge Intake for Physician Courses, however the intake for other kinds of Specialized courses such as Anesthesiology, Gynecology, Pediatrician, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology and more is comparatively lower due their high difficulty level and relatively expensive fee structure.

Most Specialized Courses are offered by the public institutes which have well-structured learning and training modules. Moreover, Specialization in Indonesia requires Bachelor’s degree plus 1 Years Internship, Rotational Practice and passing the board exam conducted by the specialized board of the country.


Indonesia Medical Education Sector has been facing many macro and micro-challenges. Each challenge has a direct or indirect effect on the Quality of Education and Quantity of Medical Professional prevailing in the Industry. Some of the major challenges faced by the Industry are high fees of medical programs, absence of standardized admission process and difficulty to crack exams

Competition in the Indonesian Medical Education Market is high and it is expected to grow in future since the Indonesian government has given free pass by allowing foreign entities to establish a university in Indonesia, subject to certain conditions and restrictions, including cooperation with a local university. This trend will eventually affect the student flow in the colleges.

Executive Summary

Comparing the Intake and Graduates for Internal Medicine, Physician and Ophthalmology: There are several specialized courses offered for medical educations in Indonesia such as Anesthesiology, Gynecology, Pediatrician, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology and more.

According to the statistics, Indonesia is witnessing an increase in intake in medical colleges majorly due to rising population and high no. of medical colleges in the country.

Market Segmentation

Indonesia Medical Educations market has been segmented on the basis of the Public and Private medical universities, accreditation and regional segmentation to understand overall presence of the medical colleges across the nation.

Colleges Offering Physician Course

Physician Courses Market Size: Aspiring Medical Students in Indonesia have to go through a National exam called SPMB which filter outs students who are eligible for a specific major. Then another exam and an interview is conducted before being formally enrolled in any Public University.

There has been a good no. of intake in the medical colleges for Physician Course in Indonesia and it is growing rapidly over the time.

Colleges Offering Internal Medicine Course

Internal Medicine Courses Market Size:

Indonesia Internal Medicine Specialized Course has high no. of Intake. High intake is associated with the growing demand in the nation and various perks of becoming an Internist such as high salary. Mostly Public colleges provide specialized Internal Medicine Course and largely differ in the training modules and Course Fee Structure.

Colleges Offering Ophthalmology Course

Ophthalmology Courses Market Size:

Indonesia has relatively less number of Intake as well as Graduates (Two digit) for the Ophthalmology Course, however the course is witnessing an increase in intake in recent years due to the efforts made to increase competency of the working professionals in the country.

Colleges offering Ophthalmology Courses are very limited and mostly public institutes.

Competitive Landscape Of The Top 10 Colleges Of The Indonesia Medical Colleges

Out of all the Medical Colleges in Indonesia Top 10 Colleges were recognized and cross compared on the basis of Quality of Education (accreditation) and Popularity in 2020. It has enabled us to understand the top players in both Public and Private Sector. The cross comparison has other parameters such as Total No. of Campus, Courses Offered, No. of Enrollments, Specialization Courses, etc.

Key Segments Covered: -

Market Segmentation basis Type of Institution (Number of Colleges)

Private College

Public College

Market Segmentation basis Region (Number of Colleges)




Lesser Sunda Islands


Maluku Islands

Western New Guinea

Market Segmentation on the basis of Accreditation of Medical Colleges (Number of Colleges)






Admission Process

Passing Rate

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake

Internal Medicine

Admission Requirements

Fee Structure

Selection Process

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake

Cross Comparison of Colleges offering Internal Medicine Course


Fee Structure

Selection Process

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake

Cross Comparison of Colleges offering Internal Medicine Course

Total number of Ophthalmologists in Indonesia basis Region

Key Target Audience

Public Medical Colleges

Private Medical Colleges

Aspiring students of Bachelor in Medical Education

Aspiring students of Master in Medical Education especially Internal Medicine and Ophthalmology

Time Period Captured in the Report:

Base Year: 2020

Study Period: 2015–2020

Historical Period: 2015-2020

Colleges Covered: -

Landscape on Indonesia Top 10 Medical Education institutions include colleges,

University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine

Andalas University Faculty of Medicine

Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing

Airlangga University, Faculty of Medicine

Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Medicine

Diponegoro University, Faculty of Medicine

Universitas Hassanudin, Faculty of Medicine

Sriwijaya University, Faculty of Medicine

Universitas Sumatera Utara, Faculty of Medicine

Universitas Trisakti Faculty of Medicine

Key Topics Covered in the Report: -

Indonesia Medical Education Introduction

Detailed Landscape of Private and Public Colleges

Market Ecosystem

Trends and Challenges in the Industry

Market Segmentation basis Institution, Region and Accreditation

Admission Process for both Bachelor and Master Course

Detailed Analysis on Physician Courses (Market Size on the basis of Intake and Graduates)

Detailed Analysis on Internal Medicine Market Size on the basis of Intake and Graduates)

Detailed Analysis on Ophthalmology Market Size on the basis of Intake and Graduates)

Major Players in Indonesia Medical Education Market

For More Information on the Research Report, refer to below links: -

Medical Education Market in Indonesia

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