Vietnam News

  • To pursue medical education in Vietnam, high school students can directly enter into medical college after completing the admission process.
  • Hanoi Medical College is one the top university with campus in central Vietnam. It is the oldest medical college of Vietnam.

Popularity of Vietnam Medical Education Market: With а рорulаtiоn оf 96.4 million during 2020, it makes Vietnаm third mоst рорulоus соuntry in Sоuth Eаst Asia.  Along with the rapid eсоnоmiс  develорment,  the  heаlth  stаtus  оf  рeорle  in  Vietnаm  hаs  signifiсаntly  imрrоved  in  reсent  yeаrs,  with  the  life  exрeсtаnсy  аt  birth  inсreаsing  frоm  71  yeаrs  in  1990  tо  76  yeаrs  in  2015.  In the past two decades (2001 – 2020), medical education system has gradually moved towards an integrated educational program, applying the principle of “student-centeredness”, and introducing educational methods “based on problems”. And “based on simulation”. The need for additional doctors to the local health system has been addressed, helping to improve access to medical education for ethnic minorities and people in rural areas.

Enablers of Medical Education in Vietnam: In recent years, medical education in Vietnam has undergone changes with the support of international donors. For example, the ‘‘Strengthening Medical Skills Training at Eight Universities’’ project supported by the Netherlands’ NUFFIC program from 2004 to 2008, in establishing and developing medical skills training units and new medical skills training curricula. The Dutch government also supported another project aimed at strengthening community-oriented education. As a step forward, medical schools in Vietnam have led changes in their education models through Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms project (HPET), approved by the Vietnamese government in late 2013. With coming ages there will be a lot of growth in the Vietnamese educational sector with the support of these efforts.

Specialized Courses in Vietnam: Vietnam, being a colonial country in the past follows traditional French system of education. The traditional methods involve learning by practice. This involves learning by practice through residency programs.

Students can go for the residency programs straight after their medical graduation, all they need is accreditation from the Department of Health. Approximately, 10% of medical students go for their residency program. Other methods of acquiring the medical specialization have to go through the Specialization level 1 and level 2 degree programs.

The report titled Landscape of Vietnam Medical Education Market- Outcome Based Curriculum with Clear Explicit Articulations that Medical Graduates should Demonstrate by Ken Research suggested that the Colleges have faced a slight downfall in terms of No. of Intake, Enrollment and Graduates amid COVID-19. Major merits of pursuing medicine in Vietnam Universities are factors such is high salaries, cheap cost of living, free style education and high opportunities.


Key Segments Covered:-

Market Segmentation basis Type of Institution (Number of Colleges)

Private College

Public College

Market Segmentation basis Region (Number of Colleges)

Central Region

Southern Region

Northern Region


Admission Process

Intake Status

Selection Process

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake

Internal Medicine

Admission Process

Intake Status

Selection Process

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake


Admission Process

Intake Status

Selection Process

Total No. of Graduates

Total Number of Intake

Key Target Audience:-

Public Medical Colleges

Private Medical Colleges

Aspiring students of Bachelor in Medical Education

Aspiring students of Master in Medical Education especially Internal Medicine and Ophthalmology

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Time Period Captured in the Report:-

Base Year: 2020

Study Period: 2016–2020

Colleges Covered:-

Landscape on Vietnam Medical Education institutions include faculties of medicine of following colleges

Hanoi Medial University

University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy

 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Faculty of Medicine

Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine

Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Vietnam Military Medical University

Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Tay Nguyen University, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy

Vo Truong Toan University, Faculty of Medicine

Tan Tao University School of Medicine

Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Key Topics Covered in the Report:-

Vietnam Medical Education Introduction

Detailed Landscape of Private and Public Colleges

Market Ecosystem

Market Segmentation basis Institution and Regions

Admission Process for both Bachelor and Master Course

Detailed Analysis on Physician Courses (Market Size on the basis of Intake Enrollment and Graduates with Statistics for Each College)

Detailed Analysis on Internal Medicine Market Size on the basis of Intake Enrollment and Graduates with Statistics for Each College)

Detailed Analysis on Ophthalmology Market Size on the basis of Intake Enrollment and Graduates with Statistics for Each College)

Major Universities and Colleges in Vietnam Medical Education Market

Vietnam Ophthalmology Education Market

Vietnam Internal Medicine Education Market

Vietnam Physician Education Market

Vietnam Education Market

Ophthalmologists in Vietnam

Medical Higher Education in Vietnam

Medical Graduates in Vietnam

Growth of Ophthalmology Education Market in Vietnam

Growth of Internal Medicine Education Market in Vietnam

Growth of Physician Education Market in Vietnam

Vietnam Ophthalmology Education College Course Fee

Vietnam MBBS Education College Course Fee

Vietnam Physician Education College Course Fee

Vietnam Internal Medicine Education College Course Fee

Major Colleges for Internal Medicine in Vietnam

Private Medical Colleges in Vietnam

Public Medical Colleges in Vietnam

Hanoi Medial University Medical Education Market Revenue

University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City Medical Education Market Revenue

Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Medical Education Market Size

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Faculty of Medicine Medical Education Market Shares

Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine Medical Education Market Sales

Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy Medical Education Market Revenue

For More Information On the research report, refer to below link:-

Vietnam Medical Education Market

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