
India Education Market Outlook to 2016 - Fast Growing E-learning Segment Set for Consolidation


Product Code:AM164

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Published On

June 2012

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About the Report

The report titled “India Education Market Outlook to 2016 – Fast Growing E-learning Segment Set for Consolidation” provides a comprehensive analysis on the education market in India covering various aspects such as market size of the education industry on the basis of total fee spent on education and market segmentation by age group, gender and by type of education. The report also entails competitive landscape and profiles of the major players operating in the industry. The future projections are included to provide an insight on the prospects in the Indian education industry.
The education market in India is one of the largest education systems globally which has registered a decent growth rate over the period. This growth rate can be attributed to growth in average annual fee, increase in students enrolled in private schools and willingness of parents to spent on education. In terms of revenue, the Indian education industry has recorded consistent growth at a 3 year CAGR of ~ over the period. The revenue of Indian education market grew from USD ~ billion in FY’2008 to USD ~ billion in FY’2011.
The formal education market contributes majorly in total private education revenues and in FY’2011 it accounted for ~ % of the total education market in India. The Non-formal education market has reached USD ~ million in FY’2011, at a CAGR of ~ % from USD ~ million in FY’2008.
Globally, India has one of the lowest enrollment and highest dropout ratios which results into one of the lowest net enrollment levels in the world. K12, the largest segment reached to USD ~ million in FY’2011. The revenue generated by Indian higher education market has reached USD ~ million in FY’2011.
In 2011, pre-schools market has posted sales of USD ~ million, registering a CAGR of ~ %. Pre-school market is growing at a rapid rate where KidZee is the dominant player and accounts for around ~ % pre- school market followed by Euro Kids and Apple Kids with ~ % and ~ % market share in 2011.
The Indian e-learning market was recorded to be around USD ~ million in 2011. E-learning is prevalent in mega cities in India. It is estimated that as the low cost PCs and broadband will penetrate the small cities and rural areas, it will have a favorable impact on e-learning market. 
The segment has seen entry of several players to share the pie of online content development and tutoring. The segment is all set for consolidation with larger entities acquiring the small players in this arena in the next 5 years.
ICT market has showcased a phenomenal growth in recent past. ICT market grew at a CAGR of ~ % from USD ~ million in FY’2008 to USD ~ million in FY’2011. Further, in coming years, ICT market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~ % reaching USD ~ by FY’2017. ICT market is growing at a rapid rate where Educomp is the dominant player and accounts for ~ % market share followed by NIIT Ltd and Everonn with ~ % and ~ % market share in 2011 respectively.
Skill development includes multimedia, books, child skill enhancement, IT training and teacher training. Skill development market has grown at a CAGR of 17.3% from ~ million in FY’2008 to USD ~ million in FY’2011.
Key Topics Covered in the Report:
  • The market size of  Indian education industry by total fee spent on education 
  • Market segmentation on the basis of Age group, Gender and by type of Education. 
  • Market size, market segmentation competitive landscape and future outlook of the  Indian education industry
  • Government regulations pertaining to this industry.
  • Trends and developments pertaining to this industry.
  • Competitive Landscape and Profile of the major players including Educomp, Everonn and NIIT
  • Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between industry factors and expected Indian education industry prospects
  • Future outlook and projections of the total fee spent on education of Indian education industry and its segments in the India till FY’2017.
  • Macroeconomic and industry factors affecting this industry

 For more information on the research report please drop a mail to info@kenresearch.com


Skill development, pre-primary, kindergarden, child care, nursery, formal education, teacher training, it training, vocational training, books, ICT, m


Educomp, Kidzee, Everonn, NIIT, Treehouse, MothersPride

Table of Contents

1. Indian Education Market Introduction

1.1. Industry Overview

1.2. Indian Education Industry Structure

2. Indian Education Market Size, FY'2008-FY'2011

2.1. By Total Fee Spent on Education, FY'2008-FY'2011

3. Indian Education Market Segmentation, FY'2008-FY'2011

3.1. By Age Group, FY'2011

3.2. By Gender

3.3. By Type of Education

3.3.1. Formal Education Market Size and Projections, FY'2008-FY'2017 Formal Education Market Segmentation, FY'2008-FY'2017

K-12 Market Size and Future Projections By Value, FY'2008-FY'2017

Higher Education Market Size, FY'2008-FY'2011

3.3.2. Non-Formal Market Size and Projections FY'2008-FY'2017 Non Formal Education Market Segmentation

Pre-School Market Size By Value FY'2008-FY'2017

Market Share of Major Players in Pre- School Market, FY'2009- FY'2011

ICT Market Size and Future Projections By Value, FY'2008- FY'2017

Market Share of Major Players in ICT Market, FY'2011

Tution/Coaching Market Size and Future Projections By Value, FY'2008-FY'2017

Skill Development Market Size and Future Projections by Value, FY'2008-FY'2017

4. Indian Education Market Trends and Development

Fast Growing Indian E-Learning Market Set for Consolidation

Government Expenditure on Education Set to Increase

Focus on technology and IT Infrastructure in K-12 Segment

Supplementary Teaching and Teacher Training

Development of Virtual and Technology Enabled Learning Solution

Technology Driving Education Industry Growth

Preference for Private Education

5. Indian Education Market Future Outlook and Projections, FY'2012-FY'2017

6. Indian Education Market Company Profiles

6.1. Everonn Systems India Limited

Company Overview

Business Strategies

Financial Performance

6.2. Educomp Solution Limited

Company Overview

Business Strategies

Financial Performance

6.3. NIIT

Company Overview

Business Strategies

Financial Performance

7. Appendix

7.1. Market Definition

7.2. Market Abbreviation

7.3. Research Methodology

Data Collection Methods


Variables (Dependent and Independent)

Multifactor Based Sensitivity Model

7.4. Disclaimer

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