Very glad with the final outcome, the team put in a lot of effort to come out with great insights on a less researched subject.
Meenu SharmaHead- Business Planning (Retail Finance),TVS Credit
I would like to thank Ken research team for meeting our report deliverables. The report is very good and we appreciate your well cooperation.
Nasser HindaouiColdwell Banker,Riyadh
I am pleased to see the very useful and productive information in the report. Very well structured great presentation reflect professionalism in your research studies.
Mustafa MasoodFinancial Analyst,Coldwell Banker Riyadh
This is with regards to your report on India PVC pipes and fitting market outlook industry outlook to 2019. This is a very well-written report and accepts my compliments on the same.
Mohit MittalConsultant,KPMG Advisory Services
The research you conducted was very helpful for us and the integrity of your research approach gave us great confidence in the data. Look forward to collaborating again in future.
Indra SetiawanInternational and Business Dev. Director,Duta Abadi Primantara