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Ken Research helps in offering its clients to build and optimize Procurement Strategies through its various in house and off shelf Procurement Market Research in middle of volatile supply market and burden to lessen costs. Our company works closely with team of client’s and assist their firm with a tailor made solution that can addresses specific issues which are being faced by clients in terms of perspectives and budgeting. Moreover, our Procurement and Supply Chain Intelligence aid procurement at the global level, to achieve fast developing supply-demand conditions, disrupting trends, amalgamating varied statistics from different sources with an aim of restructuring the dynamics of supply chain with in the company.

Our company majorly provides assistance in the process of procurement which helps in identification and execution of certain phases by companies to safeguard that they can obtain services and goods to meet their daily requirements and attain the company’s cost-effectiveness goals. Supply Chain Practice and Solutions mostly refers to the technique of getting the services for a particular company or a firm which is operating in the market.

Company’s generally uses the term Raw Material Supplier Evaluation at the time of  referring to the actual purchasing of goods or services in the business, while others refer to the all-inclusive technique or course which helps in the purchase. Moreover, procurement process is extremely important as it have an undeviating influence on the profitability of the business firm or a company. Therefore, mainly businesses evaluate the procurement progression frequently just to make sure that the goals which have been set by the company are getting accomplished or not. Therefore, if the company identifies that the goals are not being getting achieved by the company than they generally make changes in the entire procedure to attain the profitability which was planned for the business.

On a larger scale, procurement mainly involves two business entities or individuals; namely buyer and seller. But then again, it is the act of buying which is being mostly called as procurement as a process and not the actions which are being done by the seller. Conversely, the broader aim of making the procurement is to increase the overall output of the business or to have the best Raw Material Sourcing Strategy and Ken Research helps all of its clients, and also provides an assurance that they will help them in deriving determined assessment from the overall method applied by them or recommended by our company.

In the meantime, the method of adopting and attaining the procurement keeps on changing as per the requirement of the businesses and its heavily dependent on the requisite of the company to company. Therefore, our company’s Raw Material Pricing Analysis aids every single group of the commercial firms operating in the market in numerous geographies and language.

In general, Foremost Practices that procurement encompasses include:

  • Supplier Identification
  • RFP Process of a Supplier needs to be Shortlisted
  • NDA’s Approval & other Paper work
  • Complete RFP Process
  • Assessment & Approval (recommendation) of a Supplier

Therefore, through the above points we can say that the procurement is not a single day process and it requires a lot of expertise in to the market to perform the entire process and attain the goal effectively. As a result, Ken Research is one such company which has highly skilled professionals and experienced individual which can easily undertake this regress procurement process and we offer our clients to effectively strategies Best Cost Country Sourcing Model, through our company’s premium employee base which provide varied methodology in on-boarding the participants on the basis of their capability for our clients.

We also offer a monitor tool, to our major clients who eventually provide assistance to them in evaluating their suppliers against an agreed set of criteria for both on-going and concluded contracts and to analyse the Vertical Integration Market Model. This allows each supplier’s score to be easily captured and can be taken into account in the near future. This helps them to track the changes and movements in terms of trends observed for the respective supplier’s performance or to gauge multiple suppliers at the same time through the Performance feedback Benchmarking tool.

Also, our company provides the Supplier Commodity Dashboard for its client to affluence the process of procurement and allows the client to upsurge its productivity and cost-effectiveness in the business. Therefore, Ken Research’s Intelligence reports on the procurement market provide assistance to the procurement teams which are operating at the global level, to manage the fast developing supply-demand value chain situations, disrupting trends, amalgamating varied statistics and sources with an aim of restructuring supply chain dynamics for companies.

Furthermore, we also provide the 24/7 assistance to all our clients along with that the company also has huge multilingual capabilities. Ken Research have a huge employee base of the analysts which are having the capabilities of highly skilled professionals who can speak more than 10+ languages which provide better assistance majorly to the foreign clients as they can provide better support in their daily day to day working and presentations in their local language and which always adds a further advantage to the client’s requests.  Presently, our company has more than 10K plus repository of projects in terms of International Sourcing Strategy coupled with more than 25K plus network of the Industry experts which are on our panellist who are always there to help our clients via proposing Supplier Satisfaction Surveys to be responsible for best strategy which needs to be adopted by the clients which can effectively escalate the company’s efficiency and output along with the profitability.

Thus, a client can always try to find the best possible result focussed developments in the Supplier Financial Risk Rating as well through Ken Research and can easily over power the job to our end. Currently, our company is providing some of the major key solutions which are being specific to the category include diagnosis, supplier benchmarking, procurement analytics, risk analytics, support services and many more. Also, our company is being majorly offering its services in various sectors as well which are as follows namely Metal and Alloys, Plastics and Composites, Agro Commodities, Energy and Utilities, Engineering and Construction, Flexible Packaging Industry and Process Speciality, Logistics and Warehousing, Pharma Material and Formulations, and many more.

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Ken Research

Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
