
Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market Outlook to 2021

Use of Renewable Energy Resources and Reductions in the Electricity Subsidies to Support Growth

Region:Middle East

Product Code:KR533

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Published On

September 2017

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About the Report

The report titled "Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market Outlook to 2021 - Use of Renewable Energy Resources and Reductions in the Electricity Subsidies to Support Growth" provides a comprehensive analysis of Saudi Arabia cleantech energy market. The report focuses on overall market size for cleantech energy market by installed capacity, segmentation on the basis of type of energy source (solar and wind). Detailed analysis of solar and wind energy market in Saudi Arabia is also done covering the market size by installed capacity, EPC market size, completed and future projects. The report also covers competitive landscape of major players, growth drivers, rules and regulations. The report further includes market projections for future and analyst recommendations highlighting the major opportunities and threats in the cleantech energy market.

Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market

Saudi Arabia is diversifying its energy mix to cut on its green house gas emissions. It has been producing the electricity by using clean energy resources and is now increasing the capacity to generate more power by using these natural resources. The country has set a target of generating 9.5 GW of energy by using renewable sources of energy by 2023. An interim target of producing 3.45 GW by using renewable sources of energy is set to be achieved by 2020 under the National Transformation Program (NTP). The photovoltaic solar energy segment leads the generation of electricity from renewable energy with the installed capacity of ~MW at the end of 2016. However wind energy sector is still under the development phase and the government is introducing various projects to expand this sector.

Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market

At the end of 2016, the total installed capacity of solar photovoltaic technology was ~MW whereas there was no installation of the CSP based solar technology. The solar segment of the country grew by more than ~ times from the year 2011 to 2016. The solar projects commissioned in the country were Princess Noura University Solar Water Heating Project, Saudi Aramco North Park PV and many more. Over the past few years, the solar PV has started becoming more efficient and cost effective. The cost of solar PV has declined by almost 80.0% from the year 2009 to 2016.

The EPC market size of solar energy market in the year 2016 was USD ~ million. The market of EPC for solar segment grew at a CAGR of ~% from 2011 to 2016. The reduction in the subsidies for the electricity generated by the conventional sources of energy has led to the increase in the investments of renewable sources sector which has increased the size of EPC market.

Based on allocated and announced tenders, the total installed capacity by the end of 2019 is expected to reach ~MW. Some large projects with total installed capacity of ~MW are expected to start. The total value of EPC market in the year 2019 is assumed to be USD ~ million. The projects that are estimated to be completed and commissioned by 2019 are Al Khafji solar PV powered desalination facility, ISCC Duba 1 project, Waad Al Shamal ISCC plant and many more.

Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market

The annual average wind speed experienced by Saudi Arabia is approximately between 6-8 m/s. Currently no wind power project is operating in the country however a power plant of ~MW will be installed at Tabuk. The plant is expected to be operational by 2019. The companies that qualified the bids after the proposals were called are Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), GE, Marubeni Corporation, Mitsui & Co., JGC Corp, SNC Lavalin Arabia and Iberdrola Renovables Energia.

The market for wind power in Saudi Arabia is expected to grow by approximately ~ times during 2017 to 2019. The country has installed its first wind turbine in the year 2017 and a very large project of ~MW is under construction. The total value of EPC market of wind energy market in 2017 is estimated to be USD ~ million and in 2019, the value of EPC will be around USD ~ million. The major projects coming in this sector are of Midyan Wind energy project and Saudi Aramco’s wind turbine project.

Companies Operating in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Segment

Market for Saudi Arabia cleantech energy is dominated by players like GE, Saudi Aramco, Suntech Power Holdings, Sun & Life, Millennium Energy Industries and many more. Other companies operating in cleantech energy market are ACWA Power, Afandi Group, Desert Technologies, Green Gulf, KACST, Taqnia Energy and others.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

  • Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market Introduction, Market Size, and Market Segmentation
  • Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market Size and Market Segmentation
  • Saudi Arabia Solar Rooftop Panel Scenario
  • Saudi Arabia Solar Energy EPC Market Size and Future Projection
  • Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market Size Future Projection by Installed Capacity
  • Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market Introduction
  • Saudi Arabia Wind Energy EPC Future Outlook
  • Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market Size Future Projection by Installed Capacity
  • Competitive landscape of major players in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy market
  • Trends and Developments in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
  • Issues and challenges in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
  • SWOT Analysis of Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
  • Analyst recommendations


Rooftop Solar, Photovoltaic Solar Cells, Solar PV, Solar CSP Systems, Wind, Waste-to-Energy, Geothermal Energy, Solar Panels, Solar EPC


GE Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco, Suntech Power Holding Co, Sun & Life, Millenium Energy Industries, Al Khafji solar PV, ACWA Power, AEC-KAKO, Afandi Group, Desert Technologies, Green Gulf, KACST, Saudi Electrical Company, Taqnia Energy

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
Saudi Arabia Electricity Production Scenario
Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market Introduction and market size
Saudi Arabia Cleantech Market Segmentation
Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market
Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market
Trends and Developments in Cleantech Energy Market
Issues and Challenges Faced by the Cleantech Energy Market
2. Research Methodology
Market Definitions
Market Size and Modeling
Consolidated Research Approach
Market Sizing – Solar and Wind power EPC MArket
Market Size: On the Basis of Installed Capacity
3. Scenario of Electricity Production in Saudi Arabia
4. Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
4.1. Market Introduction
5. Type of Business Model for Implementation in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
5.1. Build Own Operate Transfer
5.2. Build Own Operate Model
5.3. EPC Model
5.4. Net Metering System
5.5. Project Allotment Process in Cleantech Energy Sector
5.6. Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market Size by Installed Capacity, 2011-2016
6. Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market
6.1. Market Introduction
6.2. Market Size by Installed Capacity, 2011-2016
6.3. Scenario of Rooftop Solar Installation
Project Economics – Solar PV Rooftop
Case Study Analysis – 25MW Solar Power Project at Princess Noura Bint Abul Rahman University
6.4. Cost Breakdown of Solar PV and Solar CSP in Saudi Arabia
6.5. Solar EPC Market Introduction and Size, 2011-2016
6.6. Competitive Landscape of Major EPC Companies in Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market
6.6.1. GE Saudi Arabia
6.6.2. Saudi Aramco
6.6.3. Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd.
6.6.4. Sun & Life
6.6.5. Millennium Energy Industries
6.7. Solar EPC Market Future Outlook, 2017-2019
6.8. Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2017-2021
6.8.1. By Installed Capacity
6.8.2. Planned Solar Energy Projects
7. Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market
7.1. Market Introduction
7.2. Cost Breakdown of Wind Power Plant in Saudi Arabia
7.3. Wind EPC Market Future Outlook, 2017-2019
7.4. Saudi Arabia Wind Energy Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2017-2019
7.4.1. By Installed Capacity, 2017-2019
7.4.2. Planned Wind Energy Projects, 2017-2019
8. Trends and Developments in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
8.1. Declining Cost Of PV Systems
8.2. To Free Up Oil and Gas For More Profitable Uses
8.3. Leverage Advantageous Geography and Climate
8.4. Growing Trend Towards Renewable Sources of Energy
8.5. Use of Solar Energy For Water Desalination
9. Issues and Challenges in Saudi Arabia Cleantech Energy Market
9.1. Subsidies for Conventional Power Resources
9.2. Fragmented Power Generation Sector
9.3. Emerging Policies, Regulations and Institutional Settings
9.4. Limited Infrastructure for Power generation Through Renewable Sources
9.5. Limited R&D Resources
10. Government Rules and Regulations
10.1. Suggestions for Development of Policies for Renewable Energy Sources
10.2. List of Documents Required for the Shipment of Solar Panels
11. SWOT Analysis of Cleantech Energy Market in Saudi Arabia
11.1. Future Cleantech Electricity Market Segmentation By Technology, 2032
12. Analyst Recommendations
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