Egypt E-Learning Market Outlook to 2026

Driven by easy and on-demand access to content, self-paced learning opportunities and interactive & modular means of learning

Region:Middle East

Author(s):Sanya Bahal and Abhay Shukla

Product Code:KR1113

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January 2022

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About the Report

The report titled publication “Egypt E-Learning Market Outlook to 2026- Driven by easy and on-demand access to content, self-paced learning opportunities and interactive & modular means of learningprovides a comprehensive analysis of the Education Industry and K12 E-Learning Industry in Egypt. The report provides the industry size basis revenue and a number of subscribers in the e-learning Industry in Egypt, supply ecosystem analysis, market segmentation, business model analysis, revenue stream analysis, competition benchmarking, COVID impact, future projections and expected trends & challenges.

Egypt E-Learning Market

It also provides the market of Pre K12, Post K-12 E-Learning Industry, along with Language and Casual E-learning market and LMS market by Revenue and number of Subscribers. The report talks about new trends witnessed in the industry along with new strategies & future way to move ahead. The report discusses detailed competition analysis in each market based on various parameters such as Vintage, Employee base, Subscribers and more.

Egypt Pre-K and K-12 E-Learning Market

The market has been given a boost due to Strong Government push towards online education during Covid-19 along with new continuous innovation by the vendors to differentiate their products from their Competitive firms. The Students have accessibility to wider Coverage of Courses at affordable prices and an option to customize the type of content that can be subscribed. Platforms such as Nafham, Smart Art Egypt, Noon Academy, Edraak, Korras, and Learn have recently entered in the market with very high Course completion rate. Continuous efforts by the Egyptian government and increasing private sector participation and investments in the education sector is expected to relieve budgetary strains along with higher growth rates in the future.

Egypt Post K-12 E-Learning Market

The market is growing due to increase in Job Opening such as data scientist, ML expert, software analyst, and algorithm specialist which requires short-term courses available on various online platforms.  The universities are introducing courses in new age subjects such as the internet of things, big data, and artificial intelligence and are including it as a part of their Curriculum. The Universities are considering Partnerships with corporates which facilitates employees adopting higher education courses without hampering their current productivity at work. The Higher Education Ministry is finalizing online degree regulations, with accreditation guidelines that are expected to be released soon.

Egypt Language and Casual E-Learning Market

The Companies or Startups is providing one-to-one & group sessions with qualified instructors mainly focused on Language teaching such as Arabic, English and more. Adoption in the online language learning space is primarily driven by English learners. The willingness of people to travel abroad to pursue higher studies or build a professional career and Convenient learning as per their own schedules is driving people to focus on learning foreign languages in Egypt. New technologies, such as the IoT, cloud computing, mobile Internet, and wearable gadgets, have resulted in the proliferation of online language learning products and applications. The Industry is quiet Concentrated with 3 players accounting for ~80-85% of market revenue. There is intense competition wherein companies are trying to bring innovation in their product to increase their market share in the Casual Learning Market

Egypt Learning Management System (LMS) Market

The Adoption rate of LMS has been increased due to the sudden shut down of schools, Colleges, and Universities during the period of COVID-19. It is found that by using technology in learning, students can express their ideas effectively that improves the overall academic performance of students. Virtual Classrooms, creating curriculums, homework, and tests Online were initially difficult to adopt for teachers, students and parents too as the Teachers were not trained enough to conduct online classes. As a result, very few schools were utilizing such advanced technology. The E-Learning Market is moderately concentrated among top 2-3 players. These players include classes and skolera with about more than 60% of the market share.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

  • Snapshot of Egypt Education Industry
  • Supply Ecosystem
  • Market size and Segmentation of K-12 Learning
  • Market size and Segmentation of Post K-12 Learning
  • Market size and Segmentation of Language and Casual Learning Market
  • LMS Market Size
  • Competition Scenario of all the Markets specified above
  • Working and Business Models operating in E learning Market in Egypt
  • Future Market size and Segmentation of K-12 Learning
  • Future Market size and Segmentation of Post K-12 Learning
  • Future Market size and Segmentation of Language and Casual Learning Market
  • Future LMS Market
  • Detailed Case Study for Major Global Players in E-Learning Market. Discuss their service offerings, USP, Operational performance and key adoption factors
  • Impact of COVID
  • Technological Advancements

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Key Target Audience

  • E-Learning Companies
  • LMS Platforms
  • Language Learning Platforms
  • Institutes/Colleges
  • Schools
  • Government Authority


Time Period Captured in the Report:

  • Historical Period: 2018-2021P
  • Forecast Period: 20201P-2026F


Key Segments Covered

K-12 and Pre K-12 E-Learning Market

  • By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free),2020,2021P and 2026F

Post K-12 E- Learning Market

  • By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free), 2020,2021P and 2026F

Language and Casual E-learning Market

  • By Type of Subscribers (Paid/Free), 2020,2021P and 2026F
  • By number of Subscribers by Type of Language (English, French, German), 2021P and 2026F

LMS Market

  • By End Users (Educational Institutes/ Private Companies), 2020,2021P and 2026F
  • By Number of Schools using LMS, 2020

Companies Mentioned:

K-12 Competition

  • Vidukation
  • Abwaab
  • Eduact
  • Ashtar App
  • Joinivy
  • Ideasgym
  • Smart Art
  • Nafham
  • Noon Academy
  • Edraak
  • Akhdar
  • Korras
  • Learn Khana
  • Darisni
  • Et3alem
  • Selah Wltelmeez
  • Hadotopia

UAE K12 E-Learning Competitive Ecosystem

  • eYouth
  • Edraak
  • Zedny
  • E3melbusiness
  • Meduo
  • Waza Academy
  • Newton Educational Service
  • MDS Online Academy
  • Academix
  • RaqEdu
  • Arab CBT
  • Kings Academy

Lang & Casual Learning

  • Tyro
  • Oto Courses
  • Polilengua
  • Arab Academy
  • Nile Arabic Learning Center


  • Skolera
  • Edupoles
  • Classera
  • Innovera
  • Innovito
  • Smart It
  • Learnovia
  • Tatweer International
  • Blackboard

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Executive Summary (Industry Overview, Challenges & Trends along with competition and way forward)

1.2 Market Scenario

1.3 Executive Summary (Spider Diagram)

1.4 Market Definition & Structure

1.5 Online Education System

1.6 Online Education Market Segments – Stages of Development

1.7 E-learning & Traditional Education

2. Egyptian Education System

2.1 Country Overview by understanding the economical position along with foreign trade scenario

2.2 Population Analysis

2.3 Household Spending on Education

2.4 Students Enrollment by Governorate

2.5 Education in Egypt

2.5 Enrollments and Education institutions

2.6 Technology Adoption in Egypt

3. Market Analysis

3.1 Ecosystem of Major Entities in Egypt E-Learning Market

3.2 Business Cycle and Genesis

4. Egypt E-Learning Market Size

4.1 EGYPT E-Learning Market Size on the basis of Revenues and Number of Subscribers, 2018-2021P

4.2 EGYPT E-Learning Market Revenue Segmentation by Pre-K and K-12 E-Learning, Post K-12 E-Learning and Language & Casual Learning

5. EGYPT K-12 and Pre K-12 E Learning Market

5.1 Timeline of Major Companies in K-12 E-Learning Market

5.2 EGYPT K-12 E-learning market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2018-2021

5.3 Market Segmentation for EGYPT K-12 E-Learning Market on the Basis of Subscribers (Paid and Free), 2020 and 2021P)

5.4 Competition Scenario for Major Companies in EGYPT K-12 E-Learning Market (Split of Supplementary/ Tutoring e-learning platforms, coding platforms, School LMS Cos.)

5.5 Applicable Business Models in EGYPT K-12 E-Learning Market

5.6 Market Share of Major Players in K-12 E-learning Market, 2020

5.7 Cross Comparison of Major Companies in EGYPT K-12 E-Learning Market on the basis of Revenues, Number of Employees, Course/Service Offering, Number of Subscribers, Free Subscribers, Business Model, Inception, Management, Pricing Offerings, Business Strategies, Funding, Recent Developments

5.8 EGYPT K-12 learning Future Market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2022-2026

6. EGYPT Post K-12 E Learning Market

6.1 Timeline of Major Companies in Post K-12 E-Learning Market

6.2 EGYPT Post K-12 E-learning market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2018-2021P

6.3 Market Segmentation for EGYPT Post K-12 E-Learning Market on the Basis of Subscribers (Paid and Free), 2021P

6.4 Applicable Business Models in EGYPT Post K-12 E-Learning Market

6.5 Market Share of Major Players in Post-K-12 learning Market, 2020

6.6. Cross Comparison of Major Companies in EGYPT Post K-12 E-Learning Market on the basis of Revenues, Number of Employees, Course/Service Offering, Number of Subscribers, Free Subscribers, Business Model, Inception, Management, Pricing Offerings, Business Strategies, Funding, Recent Developments

6.7 EGYPT Post K-12 learning Future Market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2022-2026

7. EGYPT Language and Casual E-Learning Market

7.1 Timeline of Major Companies in Language and Casual E-Learning Market

7.2 EGYPT Language and Casual E-learning market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2018-2021P

7.3 Market Segmentation for EGYPT Language and Casual E-Learning Market on the Basis of Subscribers (Paid and Free), 2020 and 2021P

7.4 Market Segmentation for Type of Language Courses Opted by Subscribers, 2021P

7.5 Languages Spoken in Egypt

7.6 Applicable Business Models in EGYPT Language and Casual E-Learning Market

7.7 Competition Scenario for Major Companies in EGYPT Language and Casual Language and Casual E-Learning Market

7.8 Market Share of Major Players in Language and Casual learning Market, 2020

7.9 Cross Comparison of Major Companies in EGYPT Language and Casual E-Learning Market on the basis of Revenues, Number of Employees, Course/Service Offering, Number of Subscribers, Corporate Tie-ups, Free Subscribers, Business Model, Inception, Management, Pricing Offerings, Business Strategies, Net Profit, Funding, Recent Developments

7.10 EGYPT Language and Casual learning Future Market Size on the basis of revenues and subscribers, 2022-2026

8. Egypt LMS Market

8.1 Timeline of Major Companies in LMS E-Learning Market

8.2 EGYPT LMS E-learning market Size on the basis of revenues, 2018-2021P

8.3 Students, Staff and Teachers perception on using LMS

8.4 Market Segmentation for EGYPT LMS E-Learning Market on the Basis of End-Users and Number of schools using LMS platforms, 2021P

8.5 Working Model of LMS in the E-Learning Market

8.6 Applicable Business Models in EGYPT LMS E-Learning Market

8.7 Competition Scenario for Major Companies in EGYPT LMS E-Learning Market

8.8 Cross Comparison of Major Companies in EGYPT LMS E-Learning Market on the basis of Revenues, Number of Employees, Course/Service Offering, Number of Subscribers, Corporate Tie-ups, Free Subscribers, Business Model, Inception, Management, Pricing Offerings, Business Strategies, Funding, Recent Developments

8.9 EGYPT LMS learning Future Market Size on the basis of revenues, 2022-2026

9. Trends and Challenges & Government Regulations in the Egypt E-Learning Market

10. Case Studies

10.1 Detailed Case Study for Major Global Players in E-Learning Market. Discuss about their service offerings, USP, Operational performance and key adoption factors

11. EGYPT E-Learning Market Size (2022-2026)

11.1 EGYPT E-Learning Market Size on the basis of Revenues and Number of Subscribers, 2022-26

11.2 EGYPT E-Learning Market Revenue Segmentation by Pre-K and K-12 E-Learning Market, Post K-12 E-Learning, Language & Casual Learning, 2022-26

11.3 Potential Business Models in Egypt E-Learning Market

11.4 COVID -19 Impact

11.5 Technological Advancement (1/2)

Research Methodology


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